What is The Project?
The Just What is “The Gospel” Anyway Project is a way to invite you to write down and share, in 100 words or less, your Definition and/or Explanation of “The Gospel”.
What is The Book Behind The Project?
Just What is the “The Gospel” Anyway? - Your Guide To Church Shopping is a book written by Rev. Dr. Johan Bergh where he shares his thinking and theology on Gospel and searching for a Church and shares in the process his “100 Words or Less.” Johan’s is actually 80 words.
How You Can Share Your 100 Words or Less in the Project
Share Your 100 Words or Less Definition/Explanation of “The Gospel”: go to the Blog page here and respond to the latest Blog Posting that asks you to share. Thanks!
Want some Thinking and Theology behind all this? Want to see Johan’s “100 Words or Less?” Click Here!