Just What is “The Word?”


“….and he was preaching the word to them” (Mark 2).

“….but we have the mind of Christ” (I Corinthians 2).


Just what was it that Jesus taught them? Just what is this “word”? And just what is it of which Paul speaks – this “mind” of Christ? This is the most critical question because this is what attracted, motivated, and activated those who heard Jesus and heard of Jesus. And it was what got him executed.


We get a significant glimpse at just what this teaching, this instruction, this wisdom, this “word” actually was by spending time in Matthew 5-7. Jesus, with his radical dependence on Yahweh and his radical obedience to Yahweh, was naming the political and religious (Rome and Jerusalem) rule and rulers as corrupt and abusive of the people and describing just what the economy of Yahweh actually looks like: where the last are considered first and where all have everything they need and no one is in want.


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