Some Others Are Thinking along the Same Lines….

Just how valuable and timely is this “Just What is “The Gospel” Anyway” Project? Well, check this out: in the Christian Century October, 2023 issue a Letter to Editor on an Atonement Theology article (Atonement without Participation, an August 2023 article) finished with this: “….Here’s a reasonable exercise for us progressive Christians: in two paragraphs, say why and from what Jesus saves.

Hmmmmm, that sounds alot like this Project, right?! In 100 words or less, write out your explanation/definition of “The Gospel!” Go ahead, give it a shot. Share it here. Let’s talk about it and learn from each other. Comment on this blog with your 100 words or less!


Just What is “The Word?”


Another way to Get at those 100 Words or Less